Friday, August 21, 2009

The kitchen is gone baby gone!

Mmm...the smell of demolition. We sold our cabinets at the Tree Strees yard sale last Saturday to a really nice couple who is going to come in and take them out. We spent last night after we got back in from Charlotte taking out the appliances and cleaning out the cabinets.

They came in this morning and began removing remnants of this old home. Here are some tasty pix of the demo.

We took all of the appliances out in this photo.
Here are the lawn treasures from our old kitchen. I guess the buyers are airing them out before they pack them in their trailer to take back to Kingsport. They do have a 30 year old stench.

My nasty old kitchen sink....too bad we didn't have more time together. Guess I'll have to clean my paint brushes in the bathtub.

A view of the kitchen from the dining including the butler's pantry.
No more stank-nasty cabinets!

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