Monday, August 17, 2009

Closer to becoming American, and farther away from Alien

In a couple of days, I am heading down to Charlotte to get fingerprinted so I will be on DHS's registry. And of course cross-reference me just incase I'm a criminal of some sort which will prevent me from becoming a US Citizen. Boy, I sure hope they don't find out too much ;) Anyway, it's exciting, because it seems like they are very on top of getting this citizenship thing processed. I just want to hurry up and get my citizenship done so I can be protected by US laws. Right now, if I were to travel outside of the states, I wouldn't be considered priority in an emergency situation. Which would kinda suck if we were ever in a hostile state. Soo, I'm anxious to see what happens next. So far, in just 1 month, they've acknowledged that they received my application, cashed the $700, and now I'm going in for fingerprints. So far so good. I didn't expect to get fingerprinted for at least 2 months.

The rules of this citizenship thing is that I "surrender" my alien card. I'm kind of sad that I will be losing my card here soon. But I guess that's what happens when you're not an alien anymore.

Here's what they look like.

Anyway, wish me luck on my journey to becoming a real life American. :D

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