Sunday, August 23, 2009

Alone. Microwave. Ice Cream.

Today, Scott left for his Knoxville Radiology rotation. He'll be there for a month, then he'll be in Charleston for the following month for another Radiology rotation. So for the most part, I'll be at home by myself for the next couple of months. He'll make it back into town on weekends while he's in Knoxville, but probably not at all while he's in Charleston. It kind of sucks, but that's what it takes.

As you know, our kitchen is empty at the moment. The only thing that is in there is the fridge. Thank goodness we at least have a fridge. We haven't had a microwave since we left our other house, so we went to Target and bought a microwave so that I may eat at home instead of at McDonald's every day. I seriously hate fast food especially the way it makes me feel after I eat it, but it's convenient and cheap. We were hesitant to buy a microwave for many reasons because of the renovation. We didn't want to purchase a free-standing microwave now because we were going to purchase an over-the-range later when we start on the kitchen. I'm kind of at the mercy of my health and my wallet. More so my health - my acid reflux/heart burn has been incredibly intense in the last few months. And I've put on a few pounds since the move, so I'm going back to the frozen dinner diet. I also renewed my gym membership so I'll try to hit that at least 3 to 4 times a week again. I like being busy, but home is supposed to be where I relax, and it's not been quite relaxing here at the Embry House lately.

While Scott is gone it will be difficult to get many tasks done. I'm just going to focus on some overlooked details and perhaps a room or two.

Guess I can go shopping for some frozen foods! Yay! More ice cream!

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