Tuesday, July 14, 2009

No Reservations

It's about 10pm on a Monday night, and I was trying to get some work done but my home wifi decided to take an extended break, although this is the first time I have actually needed to use it since we've lived in this new house.

So now, I'm flipping through the channels trying to see whats on TV - I only watch a few channels anyway so I'm going through the list of my favorites... HGTV has a couple-a gay dudes looking for a place in Costa Rica, I think I've already seen that episode...um, then on TLC was the Cake Boss show, and that is usually pretty good, but I wasn't in the mood for cakes.... ah ha! then I come across one of my favorites on the Travel Channel - and this guy kind of reminds me of, well, me.

I think this show combines all of my cravings for adventure, purpose, and fulfillment. The slogan of the show is, "I'm Anthony Bourdain. I write, eat, and am hungry for more." I don't think there is anything else that would best describe me. There's more to life than work, family and friends. How amazing would life be if your job was to travel, experience new things, new cultures, see the different ways people live, and meet incredibly different people AND THEN document it? I'm drooling just thinking about it.
By the way, I ate at a chinese buffet for dinner, and I feel AWFUL. I feel greasy poison just running through my veins clogging up my arteries. Absolutely toxic.

Ah, I forgot to elude you to our July 4th weekend. Well, we went to Nashville, spent some good ole family time. We celebrated Scott's birthday on Friday, shot fireworks at night, and had barbeque and desserts. I ate like a pig. Like a real big pig. Ronnie-Q, what my little nephew DJ calls it, was so freakin' delicious that night, and normally I'm about 90% anti-barbeque. Then on Saturday and Sunday - I spent most of that time at my parents house praying for the ancestors. We had monks, old ladies, the whole gamut. It was interesting because I have went to these things before, and didn't understand a lick of it. This time, my mom actually hosted the bash, and I still didn't really understand what I was being forced to do. Scott was quite a spectacle at this event. The old folks kept trying to help him as though he was in the most uncomfortable state possible. They kept moving each other out of his way, and giving him more space to sit praying style.

Anyway, the weekend was fun, and it was great to see family.

Here are some photos from the weekend:

Looks like they enjoyed this as much as I did.

Now, on to the American style of celebrating.

Scott's cousin's little baby Lilly.

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