Friday, July 31, 2009

Here's the deal: I'll show you Obama's birth certificate, if you show me Sarah Palin's High School Diploma"

I watched Bill Maher tonight and that happened to be the closing line. It was a very good closing to the episode. It was a response to those billboard ads that say "Where's the birth certificate?" conjured up by a group of retards called The Birthers.

Here is the transcript of the episode, if you need more musings.

"Never underestimate the ability of a tiny fringe group of losers to ruin everything." - Bill Maher, July 31, 2009.

Here is a photo of the ads on the side of some interstates:

Since I mentioned Sarah Palin, I guess I'll have to jump back on my stupid soapbox again. I hate making fun of her. I just really dislike the woman and everything she stands for.

Ok, so I googled Sarah Palin and her website comes up. I immediately dissected the site link by link, however, to my surprise, there are a total of 8 links on the site. Let me break this down for you -

  • Contact Us - ok, so you can contact her "office" by email, phone, and/or a letter to SarahPAC to a a PO Box in VA. Ok, modest, I won't hate on her for that.
  • Frequently asked questions - it's supposed to explain how the money will be Sarah Palin?? - I'm still not completely certain what is for.
  • Privacy policy - yadda yadda legal stuff, until at the bottom, it says "Use of Information: If you choose to provide any personal information, such as your mailing address or phone number, we may use that information to contact you." Eek, don't want to do that!
  • Facebook SarahPAC - I'm just going to roll my eyes at this.
  • "News Update: Palin announces no second term" - so she's a quitter. We all figured that. I mean, she did attend 5 different colleges in a span of 6 years.
  • Visit The Alaska Fund Trust at, the official legal defense fund for Governor Sarah Palin and family. - What??! The "Official legal defense fund for Palin and her family"? So she wants people to make donations to pay for her legal bills that she's racked up?
  • About Sarah - A short list of some things she's done for society.
  • Donate now - Donate to what?

This site doesn't state how she will use the money. It was just a barrage of ideas without any indication of what, why and how much. What if she decides to quit SarahPAC? She'd just blow that money on herself. This is just a ploy to get other people to pay her bills.

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