Monday, September 7, 2009

I'm a googler

I google myself every now and then to make sure there's not a website that has crawled my information and posted it online.

I generally enjoy seeing my MTSU Debate records, records, being on the front of page of the Comm Studies Dept website, graduation, and there was an article with me in it back in 2003.

Sometimes, I get surprised, and see my Twitter comments comes up. It's kinda weird. Unfortunately, I don't update there much. I think I will when I get the chance to integrate it with the Tasty.

I'd like to think that my name is pretty unique, but sometimes, after a really focused google, I find a funny something involving my name - this time its, Taxi Vantha. I guess when I'm in Cambodia, I will definitely get in one of these, and see if "Vantha's" are better than "Checker" or "Yellow". lol. I'm quite certain that Vantha's are better. ;)

I will try to post more stuff on random websites and see if it shows up on google.

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