Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Alternative scenario #1 for tonight - "A Mad Search"

Ok, I think in order to remain sane, I'm going to have to be creative. I decided to write alternative scenarios for what I could be doing right this moment because the status quo ain't no fun. Here's my first one, I hope its entertaining...

Alternative scenario #1 for tonight - "A Mad Search"

Criss-crossing through the breezy midsummer night on Madrid's cobblestone streets on a Vespa scooter with husband, clenching tight because I'm afraid I'll fall off, in a mad search for a dessert shop. Husband thinks he's slick and drives a little fast making me nervous, and my chest is pounding, because I can just see him hitting a bump in the road, and there I go flying off onto the street sign, landing upside down without a helmet but miraculously arise with just a crick in my neck. Husband is determined to find a dessert shop but doesn't realize he is driving in a really large circle, although, the glorious sites of the city and its wonderment were more satisfying than any dessert, but to our surprise, there was a pastry shop just a couple doors down from where we made the first right, instead of a left.

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