Thursday, January 14, 2010

Kitchen Reno Update - #1

Okie dokie - Last I mentioned was that they started on the reno. Yesterday and today, they finished the demo and cleaned up all the debris. Today they put in a new window for the kitchen, fixed the plumbing, and tested all the receptacles to make sure they all work.

  1. New Window - I don't know how happy I will be with this, but it's almost sort of, we had no choice but to do this...the window is smaller than the old one, but the old one was not the original, so they messed up and got a much smaller window that the hole alotted...meaning that the outside looks messed up with a window smaller than the hole its made to go in. Well, on the inside, if we put a giant window, the original size "6ft wide" our cabinet layout would look pretty much, just messed up. We'd have this giant window, and almost no upper cabinets, because it takes up so much room. The new window is 48" wide I believe. It'll make the inside look better, but the outside will still look funny. I just can't win, so I have no choice but to have a small window.
  2. Plumbing - they cut out alot of the old plumbing so that the fixtures will be set behind the wall and not sticking up through the floor. I feel like I have to compromise on this alot, because we're just so new at total I didn't think about having extra plumbing for a laundry room sink...and I think it's too late to add it now, also, the roughing for the half bath sink/toilet...anyway, I'm sure it'll be ok. We're not living here forever.
  3. Electrical - I'm trying my best to think of where every receptacle needs to be, but I forgot the OTR Microwave's plug today, and the undercabinet lighting switch...a novice mistake.
  4. Demo - they demo'd the hell out of the kitchen. Busted walls all the way to the other side, I was upset, but mistakes do happen, I just know that Scott and I would have been much more gentle.

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