Thursday, January 14, 2010

The coughin', the coughin'....ack

I just eck..can't..ack...say..eck, ack,ugh, eh, ack, ack...a durn sentence...yack, ech, ah, without coughin' my lungs up. This is the worst coughin' sickness I've ever had. Just lately, I had thought to myself, man, I haven't had a coughing sickness since I was 10...sure nuff, here we go. Gosh, it's terrible, and I was sick the entire time I was at CES, and been working everyday, and very late, because I have so much stuff to do. I bet I'm going to infect everyone in my office. I have a virus infection and I'm highly contagious. But I can't leave work hanging - too much to do. So I just hang in there, and hack up bloody loogies, (wow that was graphic).

Anyway, I'm just tired, very tired, and i just can't get enough sleep for some reason.

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