Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year! 2009 came and went in a flash...

On new years eve, Scott and I stayed home, watched District 9, (well, I fell asleep after 15 minutes) then watched the ball drop, gave each other a quick kiss, then went to bed. I'm anxious to see what 2010 holds for us. It'll be quite a year - Scott finds out where he gets into residency, graduation, he starts working this summer, we get married (again) this spring/summer (wait, I didn't mention that before, guess I'll explain in another post), supposedly go on a European tour this summer, and finish renovations on the house sometime this year. Sounds like it'll be a busy year. JB should be quite a feat at the rate we're going. Just have to be patient, and diligent. Yep, I'm looking forward to it. It'll be another mile stone year for us.

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