Monday, June 29, 2009

Got junk? We do.

We have been needing a junk hauler for the past month. We have a nice collection of reno garbage on the side of the house. I'm surprise the neighbors hadn't called the city on us yet. I think it's because they are SO incredibly happy that we are taking the crap off the front of the house, they are cutting us some slack.

You wouldn't believe how many people stopped by our house to tell us how great of a job we're doing with the house (at this point, all I did was take off the rough sawn wood siding) and to thank us for taking that stuff down. We had mommas with baby strollers, dog-walkers, families walking down the street, neighbors and their friends, people who were weed-eatin', and folks who live 4 blocks away, come down and tell us they are soooo thankful and happy that the "ugly wood-siding" is gone and how beautiful those hidden columns were. Gee, I might just have to have a bonfire for these folks.

The super-fantastic Tree Streets Yardsale is coming up in August. I'm gonna put some of the wood, and the stuff inside the house that I'm taking out, in the sale. That means I've got alot of stuff to take down between now and then. I can use all that extra cash and put it right back into the house. I think I might hire some cute kids to man a drink stand and sell some of Heidi's famous cookies. Wow, that sounds like a plan. Perhaps, I'll throw in some cute puppies too, ;)!

Anyway, so this past weekend we were in Knoxville looking for us a junk-haulin' truck. We found a few, but they were more "junk" and less "haul", if ya know what I mean. Anyway, we made our way back into town that night and met up with a guy off the JCPress on Sunday and really liked what we saw and test drove. We decided to buy it. I'm gonna go do the paperwork, and pick it up here in the next half hour or so.

I guess I better get off of here so I can go pick up my pickup. ;)

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