Monday, October 5, 2009

Boston, JB, & Charleston

I'm trying to remain sane these past few weeks. Lots going on -

Husband and I went to Boston for a short weekend trip - definitely helped destress. We got to see many sites of Boston, Harvard, and ate as much seafood as we could. I wished we had enough time to go to Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket, but we'll try to hit those next time. The city is really neat, I enjoyed the many shops and restaurants. We wondered aimlessly for the most part as we tour whatever part of the city we could by foot. I ended up with a stress-fracture on the second day and cried myself to sleep by 9pm that night because it was so incredibly painful. Surprisingly enough, the next morning, the pain was gone and I was back at sightseeing again.

JB is now in almost full effect - will be working on the website soon. is now operated by JB.

Brother came over and spent the last week here. He was supposed to help me with alot of stuff around the house, but he ended up doing hardly anything except overfeeding my dog with treats because she whines at him. He left today.

Spent this past weekend in Charleston with Scott and Jess. They rented a beachouse for a month while they did their rotations down there. I came back home with 30 mosquito bites. Had enough shrimp burgers to last me awhile. Slept on the beach for several hours....received a mild sunburn. I think I wanna go sea-kayaking sometime.

Sort of liking the idea that I'll be spending the next 3 weeks alone...perhaps I'll get lots done with no distractions. Will be going to Memphis next week for my US Citizenship exam.

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