Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas has not been so stressful this year...

Our families decided we needed to cut down how big we do Christmas this year, and I'm actually quite thankful, because Christmas should not be about how much money you spend, or how many gifts you get someone. It's about being with your family, friends, and loved ones, and giving more than just material things.

This year is hopefully a much more practical year for all of us with the recession, and job losses. Hopefully, we'll all realize that in the end, the toys, fancy shoes, Ed Hardy designer t-shirts, etc. is just stuff.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Past few months, and my New Years Resolutions

Oh brother - that's been my favorite phrase lately.

1. The house - the exterior renovations pertaining to the front gable, siding, roof, and gutters are done. My house now has green siding with white trim. I think it goes great with the red brick. We didn't plan on replacing the roof, but we did. It looked horrible, and our bathroom ceiling was leaking. Anyway, that was a budget buster, but I'm incredibly happy that we did it. It looks great. Last I mentioned was the master bedroom - it's done along with the office...well, when I say done, I mean it's cleaned and painted, and can be moved into. The finishes, such as electrical sockets and wall plates, crown molding have not been added/replaced, and floors have not been refinished. But that stuff has to be done all at the same time, so we're waiting on that for now.

Starting on the kitchen next. We found our granite, cabinets, and the contactors, purchased a range, still need a couple of appliances. Best case scenario - renovators come in and prep the site mid January - finish in 10 days, cabinet installers take about 1 to 5 days, and granite in about 1 week. By Feb, we'll have a brand spankin' new kitchen. My fingers are crossed. My wallet is getting thinner.

2. Work - We've been in business for almost 3 months now. We are trucking along. Purchased, and will be starting developments in late January, early Feb. IHTHT has sustained it's growth - and 13Deals is growing faster than we can handle. We hired a guy that worked for Razor in CA - he's been more than we could ever ask for. He is definitely on the same wavelength as the rest of us. We are blessed to have survived these past few months, I know 2010 will be a much better year for us.

Going to CES in Vegas this year again - taking husband with me. I don't feel so guilty leaving the office if it's work related.

I feel like we're outgrowing our new office. We just moved in it last June, and since the first pallet rolled in, I immediately knew we'd outgrow this one fast. Looks like that time is coming soon.

I hope to double in size by this time next year - employees, revenue, everything.

3. Fun Stuff - I did a little bit of traveling this last quarter - visited Boston, Philly, took a trip to Memphis with my mom, and Charleston for a weekend. Ate my first canoli in Philly - anytime I go back up that direction, I'm always going to scour for pastry shops. Its my new favorite thing. It used to just be ice cream, but I'm diversifying my interests.

4. Family - I kinda told my mom that Scott and I are interested in entertaining the idea of trying to have a child next year during Thanksgiving weekend...well, this morning she called me and told me that she doesn't think it's a good idea, and that I should wait til at least 2011. She says I'm too busy right now, and I need to focus on work for at least 1 more year, and that Scott should work at least a year first. I thought about it, and she's right. My house is a hot mess, I still drive my beater, and Scott will have just started working so it will sort of be very inconvenient for us, because he'll be an intern and will be on call every 4th night. We need to finish renovations on the house and buy a new car next year, then we'll be set for a child.

5. New Year's Resolutions -
a. Ack! I always say this, but I need to lose 15lbs BAD! I can't believe I put on 10 in the last 3 months. I tell ya, not having a kitchen is disasterous for my diet. I severely dislike eating out. I prefer to cook my own meals.

b. Finish the last 3 rooms in the house by April. Then the house is done! And I can have dinner parties and stuff here without cringing when someone asks to use our bathroom.

c. Become an American citizen!

d. Visit Europe in the summer.

e. Get a marriage license (long story).

f. Buy a new car (I severely dislike this activity).

g. Go sea kayaking.

h. Change the way I view alot of things.

i. Play more mafia.

j. Throw more parties.

k. Make new friends.

l. Visit old friends.

m. Have no babies.

n. Pay off more debt.

o. Run a 5k (this should be easy, but for some reason it's not for me).

p. Send my parents off to Cambodia for a month.

q. Spend more quality time with my brother.

r. Limit my work hours to 55 hours per week.

s. Do more outdoor activities with my dog.

t. Be more precise.

u. Be more honest with myself.

v. Create more meaningful relationships.

w. Put more thought into my actions and words.

x. Wear cardigans.

y. Get a pair of Toms Shoes.

z. Be more attentive to Scott.